All connectors now open source and new subscription model

becon GmbH announces that all OpenCelium connectors, including the previously paid ones, are now available as open source. This change offers developers an extended range of integration options and promotes collaboration in the open source community.

Until now, paid connectors were exclusively accessible to subscribers and not available as open source. The update changes this and all connectors are now available to the wider developer community. This step is intended to increase user flexibility and facilitate the exchange of knowledge.

“The decision to release all OpenCelium connectors as open source underlines our commitment to an open developer community,” said Jakob Semere, CTO of becon GmbH. “We are confident that this change will promote the collaborative further development of OpenCelium.”

Jakob Semere

CTO, becon GmbH

At the same time, the paid subscription to OpenCelium will be upgraded. In addition to improved support, new services and enterprise features, a large number of new business templates are included, which offer tried-and-tested field mapping recommendations and enable a direct start to API connectivity. All changes can be found at

OpenCelium GmbH was founded in August of last year. “This strategic decision emphasizes the independence of OpenCelium and underlines becon’s long-term willingness to invest,” says Steffen Rieger, CEO of becon and OpenCelium GmbH.

Steffen Rieger

CEO, becon GmbH and OpenCelium GmbH

Review of OpenCelium milestones

The OpenCelium story began in April 2019 with the announcement of the Early Adopter Program and the first release of the API Hub. OpenCelium enables API management without code through a web-based, open source approach. The next highlight was the Stable release of OpenCelium on February 14, 2020 – just in time for Valentine’s Day with a lot of love – followed by continuous webinars, updates and releases, which always brought new features and connectors and speaker slots at the Kiel Open Source and Linux Days, the Tux days, the doITbetter Conference and with the OSMC 2021 made possible.

Further milestones were the OpenCelium Meetups in October 2022 and September 2023 in Fulda. These events offered a platform for exchange between developers and users and provided exclusive insights into upcoming innovations. Another significant success was the roundtable in the TV Studio in Berlin on “Automated API Management” on November 28, 2023, the recording of which is now also available as a video and podcast.

The course has been set to meet the challenges of the future creatively and sustainably. OpenCelium GmbH will drive forward the development of the API management tool as an independent unit.


Couldn’t attend the API Management Roundtable LIVE? No problem. We recorded the event for you.



OpenCelium is a central API management system that connects systems, applications and cloud services in real time. It enables seamless data exchange between applications, analysis and monitoring of control and usage in real time.

Instead of linking individual systems with each other via direct interfaces, all systems and IT services within the company are connected to a central API hub. This central point enables clear and systematic management of all API interfaces, from backend to frontend.

OpenCelium also offers functions such as security, monitoring and version control.

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For more than 30 years, becon GmbH has stood for modern technologies, professional projects, innovative products, reliable support and stable operation in the IT and telecommunications industry and has extensive experience in the areas of digitization, automation and API management. Their mission is to achieve a higher degree of digitization for their customers with the help of open and closed source solutions and their integration.

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Articles on the topic of API management

OpenCelium | Minor Release 4.1 now available

OpenCelium | Minor Release 4.1 now available

We are pleased to present the new minor release 4.1 of OpenCelium, which is now available for download! The update brings a number of new features, such as support for Paginator functionality, and some bug fixes.

OpenCelium | Release 4.0

OpenCelium | Release 4.0

We are happy to present the new major release 4.0 of OpenCelium, which is now available for download! With this major update, we are setting a new benchmark in the areas of security, performance, stability and usability. Discover the numerous improvements and new features that OpenCelium 4.0 offers.

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Usecase: OpenCelium connects – Jira and Trello

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