OpenCelium | Major Release 3.0

OpenCelium | Major Release 3.0

With today’s major release 3.0 of OpenCelium we have chosen a very special date. In honor of our company founder Hans-Otto Brunsch, whose birthday we would like to celebrate today. In this update, the main work was done on a brand new service portal. Features...
OpenCelium | Release 2.4

OpenCelium | Release 2.4

The new version 2.4 of OpenCelium is now available for download. One of the new features is the inline editor. This allows you to change the names and descriptions of connectors, connections and schedulers without having to switch to edit mode each time. The inline...
OpenCelium | Release 2.3

OpenCelium | Release 2.3

The new version 2.3 of OpenCelium is now available for download.One of the new features is the ability to design the user interface in the design your own corporate identity (CI). This function can be used via the Service Portal. Additionally, we now support the...
OpenCelium | Release 2.2

OpenCelium | Release 2.2

The new version 2.2 of OpenCelium is now available for download. One of the new features allows to use a POST request for the webhook. With this you can now deliver more complex data to a webhook. Additionally, there is now the ability to configure SSL verification...
Realize data exchange via API without further ado

Realize data exchange via API without further ado

You want to connect tools for easy data exchange in an uncomplicated way via API? Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we’ve recorded two helpful tutorials. In these two videos, we show you how the Azure cloud computing platform and the JIRA Service Desk...