The new minor release 3.2 of OpenCelium is now available for download.This update brings some new features and improvements such as the new Action Panel and the Data Aggregator.

The individual new features of OpenCelium Release 3.2 are listed below:


The new Action Panel

The entire Connection Editor has been adapted. Previously, the buttons were placed in several different locations. We have now summarized these in a clearly arranged panel to simplify the search for the right action.



Smart notification through data aggregator

The information flow of a connection was previously only used for synchronization between two systems. Data Aggregator provides a further function for collecting data from a connection in a targeted manner and then reusing it elsewhere. The data aggregators can therefore be accessed at any time via API in order to use this information.

Previously, this feature was used with the notification service to send targeted/bundled information from an API job. This can be configured via a notification template.

We have also added two additional notification services to send information more flexibly. Teams and Slack have also been added.

No automatic logout

Who doesn’t have that happen to them? You are working on a connection in OpenCelium and suddenly the user session has expired. So far, OpenCelium has always automatically redirected to the login window.

With the new integration, the login window pops up in the respective context as soon as the user session has started. This means that changes are no longer lost and you can continue working without any problems.

More information on field mapping

Many field references can be created within an API method. However, it is easy to lose track. All information on field mapping can be displayed at any time via the “Reference information”. With highlighting and background colors, all useful information can be quickly displayed.

Delete individual field references

Occasionally, field references are created incorrectly. In previous versions, you had to laboriously delete the entire field and then recreate all the field references. The enhancement also had to be rewritten. Individual field references can now also be deleted with a simple mouse click.

Why version 3.2 and not 4.0? A look at the road map

Version 4.0 should actually have been published now as part of the normal release cycle. We decided against it because we would have been missing a key feature.

What we had been announcing for a long time was the tool stack change that we have heralded since 3.0. We have already made a start here in 3.1 by switching from JAVA version 8 to 17 and have already made a big leap as a result. We have also removed NodeJS and now use simple web servers such as Apache2 or Nginx.

Follow the instructions in the documentation to perform the update.

Here is the detailed changelog

OpenCelium 3.2 (deutsch)

[Neue Funktion]

Das neue Action Panel

[Neue Funktion]

Implementierung eines Data Aggregators

[Neue Funktion]

Erweiterter Benachrichtigungstyp: Slack- und Teams-Unterstützung hinzugefügt

[Neue Funktion]


[Neue Funktion]

Synchronisierungsfunktion der Invokers in der Connection

[Neue Funktion]

Löschen von Referenzen innerhalb einer Methode

[Neue Funktion]

Legende der Referenzen innerhalb einer Methode

[Neue Funktion]

Schutz vor automatischer Abmeldung, wenn die Sitzung abgelaufen ist


Erstellung eines Invokers ohne Methoden


Löschen der ausgewählten Templates


Probleme beim Speichern der API Headers


Proxy Probleme

OpenCelium 3.2 (english)

[New feature]

New Connection Panel for actions

[New feature]

Data Aggregator

[New feature]

Extended Notification Type: added slack and teams support

[New feature]

Animation tutorial

[New feature]

Invoker synchronization for connection

[New feature]

Delete reference option in method’s body

[New feature]

Added legends for references in methods’ body

[New feature]

Protection from auto log out when the session is expired


js error in developer tools


Error updating scheduler


There was a problem trying to download a template


Can’t update a connection

Livestream recording "Information exchange between systems through automated API management"

Couldn’t attend the API Management Roundtable LIVE? No problem. We recorded the event for you.


7 quick tips: How to successfully digitize your processes.

Whitepaper | Digitizing Business Processes

The following 7 tips will help you digitize your business processes. One challenge in the programmatic mapping of IT or business processes is overcoming application boundaries. At some point, the functional spectrum of an application comes to an end and you have to pass the data baton to another application so that the process can continue undisturbed without any manual intermediate steps. In our whitepaper, we tell you how this works.

Request whitepaper now

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