The new version 2.2 of OpenCelium is now available for download. One of the new features allows to use a POST request for the webhook. With this you can now deliver more complex data to a webhook. Additionally, there is now the ability to configure SSL verification and time-out for each connector. Follow the instructions in the documentation to perform the update.


2.2 (deutsch)

[Neue Funktion]
Unterstützung der HTTP Methode POST für Webhooks

[Neue Funktion]
Ein-/Ausschaltung der SSL Verifizierung für die Konnektoren

[Neue Funktion]
Konfiguration der Time-Out’s für die Konnektoren

[Neuer Konnektor]

[Neuer Konnektor]
JIRA Insight

[Neuer Konnektor]

[Neuer Konnektor]

SSL Check Error

Probleme beim Erstellen von Templates

In der XML den Index in Arrays erhöhen

Falsche Meldung „New invokers and templates are available”

Probleme in der neuen UI Engine

Probleme im Update-Assistent


2.2 (english)

Support POST Request for webhooks

Enable/disable SSL verification for connectors

Edit timeout for connectors


JIRA Insight



SSL verify error

Unable to save the template

Increment index on arrays in XML

New invokers and templates are available

New frontend engine has some issues

Error during updating a connector


Setting to turn SSL verification on/off

Setting to configure the timeout for the connections

start now with your

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