The new minor release 3.1 of OpenCelium is now available for download.
This update is first and foremost a security update. The previous Java version 8 has been upgraded to version 17 (latest LTS version). Accordingly, Neo4j was also adapted from version 3.5 to 5.6 and Spring Boot from 2.0 to 3.0 (Spring Framework 6).
However, the update also brings some new features. Among other things, the handling of API methods and operators is facilitated by “drag and drop” and “copy and paste” functions. In addition, the Service Portal offers a great innovation: the CSV Profile Generator.
According to Oracle’s roadmap, version 21 LTS may be released as early as September 2023. We have already made all the arrangements for this and can then also provide them quickly.
The following steps are required for the update:
Download new version
Export of all connections
Stop OpenCelium
Java update to 17
Neo4j update to 4.4 and then to 5.6
Start OpenCelium
Import of all connections
Log in and that's it 😉
Detailed instructions on how to update OpenCelium can be found in our Community Documentation or for all subscription users in our Service Portal.
Also, here’s news from our Connection Editor. Mainly due to the input from the community and from numerous customer projects, the product grows and thus becomes stronger and stronger.
Below are the individual new features:
Drag and drop of API methods and operators
Anyone who regularly works with OpenCelium is probably familiar with the following scenario: When clicking through a connection, you notice that an operator is missing at a certain point or has possibly been inserted in the wrong place.
There is now a simple solution for this: With the new update, the API methods and operators can be moved to the right places via drag and drop.
With an integrated dependency checker, we check in real time if this movement is possible.
Copy and paste of API methods and operators
Similar to the drag and drop function, you can use the combination of ALT key to copy the API methods or even operators to any location. All field references are automatically duplicated.
You can recognize the copy action by the copy icon in the upper right corner.
Test Run
With this function, the intermediate state of the interface can be checked more quickly. A test stack is displayed, which transmits the intermediate status.
Logs in the web interface
In combination with the Test Run function, the logs can now also be displayed on the web interface via websocket. The possibility of displaying the respective location of the interface in the Connection Editor is also used. If an error is detected, this is highlighted at the appropriate place in the Connection Editor.
There are also new developments in the Service Portal. With the OpenCelium update, there is now a completely new service: the CSV Profile Generator.
Manage your own CSV profiles via the Service Portal
With the help of the CSV2API connector it is possible in OpenCelium to transfer CSV files as source into the target system. For this purpose there is a CSV2API tool which acts like a converter.
To use a CSV file for OpenCelium, you need an individual Invoker file, which can now be easily generated and managed via the Service Portal.
Below Tools in the Service Portal
Select CSV profile name and upload CSV
Here is an example of a CSV file
Each profile is automatically saved and can be updated or deleted at any time. Everyone in the company has access to the CSV profiles.
View of the individual CSV-Invoker file which will be generated.
Upload the new CSV Invoker file to OpenCelium.
Create the connector.
Create the connection/interface.
The CSV profile automatically displays the possible fields.
Follow the instructions in the documentation to perform the update.
Here is the detailed changelog
OpenCelium 3.1 (deutsch)
[New function]
Update von Java 8 auf Java 17
(neueste LTS-Version)
[New function]
Update von Neo4j 3.5 auf Neo4j 5.6
(neueste LTS-Version)
[New function]
Update von Spring Boot 2.0 auf Spring Boot 3.0 (neueste LTS-Version)
[New function]
Verbindungsprotokolle auf der Weboberfläche anzeigen
[New function]
Testlauf hinzugefügt
(Connection Editor)
[New function]
Ändern der Größe von Elementen zulassen (Connection Editor)
[New function]
Methoden mit Abhängigkeiten kopieren, um sie zu duplizieren (Connection Editor)
[New function]
Verbindung im Vollbildmodus speichern (Connection Editor)
[New function]
Verschieben von Methoden oder Operatoren mit automatischer Abhängigkeitsprüfung
(Connection Editor)
[New function]
Label anstelle des API-Methodennamens im Referenzbrowser anzeigen (Connection Editor)
[New function]
CSV-Generator zur einfachen Generierung/Verwaltung eigener CSV-Invoker-Dateien (Service Portal)
[New function]
Sendet automatische Benachrichtigungen, wenn das Abonnement verlängert wird
(Service Portal)
[New connector]
js Fehler in den Entwicklertools
Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Schedulers
Beim Versuch, eine Vorlage herunterzuladen, ist ein Problem aufgetreten
Kann eine Verbindung nicht aktualisieren
Nach dem Login in OpenCelium erscheint ein Git-Fehler in den Protokollen
Dauert zu lange um die Verbindungen zum Frontend zu erhalten
OpenCelium 3.1 (english)
[New feature]
Update from Java 8 to Java 17
(latest LTS version)
[New feature]
Update from Neo4j 3.5 to Neo4j 5.6
(latest LTS version)
[New feature]
Update from Spring Boot 2.0 to Spring Boot 3.0 (latest LTS version)
[New feature]
Show connection logs on the web interface (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Added test run
(Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Allow changing size of items (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Copy methods with dependencies to duplicate them (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Saving connection on fullscreen (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Move methods or operators with automatic dependency checking (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
Show label instead of api method name in the reference browser (Connection Editor)
[New feature]
CSV Generator to easily generates/manage your own CSV-Invoker files (Service Portal)
[New feature]
Sends automatic notifications when subscription is extended (Service Portal)
[New Connector]
js error in developer tools
Error updating scheduler
There was a problem trying to download a template
Can’t update a connection
After login into opencelium a git error appears in logs
Waiting too long to get connections on frontend
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